Assessment reports>Aura Finance>Threat Models>Function: withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount)

Function: withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount)

Passthrough function for _withdraw, which sets from and to to msg.sender.


  • _pid

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: Must be a a valid pool ID in poolInfo.

    • Impact: Decides the token to withdraw and the gauge to withdraw it from. This removes LP balance by burning amount from msg.sender and transfers LP tokens back to msg.sender.

  • _amount

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: Cannot exceed the amount of LP balance the sender is allowed to burn.

    • Impact: The amount of LP balance to exchange for LP tokens.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • Withdraw from pool.

  • Withdraw from this contract (in case of shutdown).

  • Withdraw when a stash is defined.

Negative behavior

  • Withdraw while pool is shut down.

  • Withdraw under a full shutdown.

  • Withdraw more than the sender has.

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