Function: distributeAura(uint16 _srcChainId, address _sendFromZroPaymentAddress, byte[] _sendFromAdapterParams)
Function allows to transfer AURA tokens to another chain. Before the transfer, tokens will be minted by calling IBooster(booster).distributeL2Fees(_feeAmount)
. Function is available only for whitelisted distributor.
Control: Full control.
Constraints: Should be whitelisted by owner as trusted chain.
Impact: ID of the recipient chain.
Control: Full control.
Constraints: No checks.
Impact: The address of the contract that will provide an LZ protocol fee using the LZ tokens.
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
AURA tokens were distributed properly.
Negative behavior
is zero.Caller is not whitelisted distributor.
Function call analysis
_distributeAura -> IBooster(booster).distributeL2Fees(_feeAmount) -> IERC20(crv).safeTransferFrom(bridgeDelegate, lockRewards, _lockIncentive)
External/internal? External.
Argument control? No.
Impact Distribute fees.
_distributeAura -> IBooster(booster).distributeL2Fees(_feeAmount) -> IERC20(crv).safeTransferFrom(bridgeDelegate, stakerRewards, _stakerIncentive)
External/internal? External.
Argument control? No.
Impact Distribute fees.
_distributeAura -> IBooster(booster).distributeL2Fees(_feeAmount) -> ITokenMinter(minter).mint(bridgeDelegate, eligibleForMint)
External/internal? External.
Argument control? No.
Impact Mint CVX to current contract.
_lzSend -> lzEndpoint.send
External/internal? External.
Argument control?
.Impact On the side of L2Coordinator, there will be the triggered function
that will increase theaccAuraRewards
External/internal? External.
Argument control?
.Impact Transfer
of AURA tokens to the_srcChainId