Function: claim(bool _lock)
Allows to claim reward by recipient or lock it inside auraLocker contract.
Control: Full.
Constraints: N/A.
Impact: If false reward, it will be transferred to the caller; otherwise, it will be locked inside the auraLocker.
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
is true, funds were locked.If
is false, funds were transferred to the caller.
Negative behavior
Claimable is zero.
AuraLocker is zero
Function call analysis
_claim(msg.sender, _lock) -> available(_recipient)
External/internal? Internal.
Argument control? N/A.
Impact Return available amounts of funds for claim that does not include already claimed funds.
_claim(msg.sender, _lock) -> auraLocker.lock(_recipient, claimable)
External/internal? External.
Argument control? N/A.
Impact If
is true, then claimable funds will be locked inside auraLocker contract.
_claim(msg.sender, _lock) -> rewardToken.safeTransfer(_recipient, claimable)
External/internal? External.
Argument control? N/A.
Impact If
is true, then claimable funds will be transferred to the_recipient