Assessment reports>Aura Finance>Threat Models>Function: lock(uint256 _cvxAmount)

Function: lock(uint256 _cvxAmount)

Lock the OFT tokens of the _canonicalChainId.


  • _cvxAmount

    • Control: Full control.

    • Constraints: msg.sender should have more or an equal amount of tokens.

    • Impact: The amount of tokens will be transferred to another chain.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • The balance of msg.sender was decreased by _cvxAmount.

  • The totalSupply was increased by _cvxAmount

Negative behavior

  • msg.sender does not have enough tokens.

  • _cvxAmount == 0.

  • without fee

Function call analysis

  • _debitFrom(msg.sender, canonicalChainId, bytes(""), _cvxAmount) -> _debitFrom -> _burn(_from, _amount)

    • External/internal? Internal.

    • Argument control? _cvxAmount

    • Impact Burn the _cvxAmount amount of tokens from the msg.sender balance before transfer to the canonicalChainId.

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