Assessment reports>Aura Finance>Threat Models>Function: processClaimable(address _token, uint16 _srcChainId)

Function: processClaimable(address _token, uint16 _srcChainId)

Allows accounts from rewardReceiver mapping to claim the reward. Only owner is able to add address to the rewardReceiver mapping.


  • _token

    • Control: Full control.

    • Constraints: claimable[_token][_srcChainId] > 0.

    • Impact: The address of reward tokens that will be claimed.

  • _srcChainId

    • Control: Full control.

    • Constraints: claimable[_token][_srcChainId] > 0 .

    • Impact: The source chain ID. The address of receiver is taken from rewardReceiver[_srcChainId] set by owner.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • claimable[_token][_srcChainId] is reset.

  • totalClaimable[_token] is increased.

Negative behavior

  • rewardReceiver[_srcChainId] does not contain _srcChainId.

  • claimable[_token][_srcChainId] == 0.

Function call analysis

  • _lzSend

    • External/internal? Internal.

    • Argument control? _srcChainId.

    • Impact Send the innerToken reward to the receiver to the _srcChainId .

  • IProxyOFT(oft).sendFrom

    • External/internal? External.

    • Argument control? _srcChainId.

    • Impact Send the _token reward to the receiver to the _srcChainId.

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