Assessment reports>Ostium>Threat Model>mintWithDiscountAndLock

Function: mintWithDiscountAndLock(uint256 shares, uint32 lockDuration, address receiver)

Deposits assets into the vault in order to mint a specified amount of shares minus a discount and then locks the shares into a minted NFT.


  • shares

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: Must be less than max mint. Asset transfer to pay for shares must succeed.

    • Impact: Amount of shares to mint.

  • lockDuration

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: Must cause nonzero discount.

    • Impact: Duration before NFT can be redeemed.

  • receiver

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Receiver of the NFT.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • Deposit and lock succeeds.

Negative behavior

  • Deposit fails due to whitelist.

  • Deposit fails due to being over max mint.

  • Deposit fails due to asset-transfer failure.

  • Deposit fails due to zero or negative discount.

Function call analysis

  • this._executeDiscountAndLock(assets, assets * OstiumVault.PRECISION_2 * uint16(100) / OstiumVault.PRECISION_2 * uint16(100) + this.lockDiscountP(this.collateralizationP(), lockDuration), shares, lockDuration, receiver)

    • See _executeDiscountAndLock (ref).

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