Function: makeWithdrawRequest(uint256 shares, address owner)
Make a withdrawal request for the amount of shares.
Control: Arbitrary.
Constraints: Must be less than the balance of shares — less shares pending withdrawal.
Impact: Shares are queued to be withdrawn in a later epoch.
Control: Arbitrary.
Constraints: Must either be the sender or have an allowance for the quantity of shares or more.
Impact: User whose shares are queued.
Branches and code coverage
Intended branches
Withdrawal request succeeds for sender owner.
Withdrawal request succeeds for nonsender owner with allowance.
Negative behavior
Withdrawal request fails due to epoch already being opened.
Withdrawal request fails due to allowance violation.
Withdrawal request fails due to balance violation.
Function call analysis
What is controllable? None.
If the return value is controllable, how is it used and how can it go wrong? Controllable by making a PNL request beforehand; however, it can only cause a revert.
What happens if it reverts, reenters or does other unusual control flow? Does not revert or do unusual control flow.