Assessment reports>Ostium>Medium findings>The ,maxAllowedCollateral, check could be bypassed using ,topUpCollateral
Category: Business Logic

The maxAllowedCollateral check could be bypassed using topUpCollateral

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
High Likelihood


The function topUpCollateral can be used by traders to increase the collateral size of their trades. But there is no check in this function to verify if the new collateral size has bypassed the maxAllowedCollateral.

function topUpCollateral(uint16 pairIndex, uint8 index, uint256 topUpAmount) external notDone {
    // [...]
    uint256 tradeSize = t.collateral * t.leverage / 100;
    t.collateral += topUpAmount;
    t.leverage = (tradeSize * PRECISION_6 / t.collateral / 1e4).toUint32();

    if (t.leverage < pairsStorage.pairMinLeverage(t.pairIndex)) {
        revert WrongLeverage(t.leverage);


    emit TopUpCollateralExecuted(sender, pairIndex, index,
        topUpAmount, t.leverage);


The maxAllowedCollateral check could be bypassed, allowing users to increase their collateral size by more than the maximum allowed value.


Add the following check in the topUpCollateral function:

        t.collateral += topUpAmount;
        t.leverage = (tradeSize * PRECISION_6 / t.collateral / 1e4).toUint32();
+        if (t.collateral > maxAllowedCollateral) {
+            revert AboveMaxAllowedCollateral();
+        }


This issue has been acknowledged by Ostium Labs, and a fix was implemented in commit db8d5a4a.

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