Assessment reports>Ostium>Informational findings>Using ,transfer, instead of ,call, might revert
Category: Business Logic

Using transfer instead of call might revert

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


The OstiumPriceUpKeep contract defines a function named withdrawEth that could be called by the governance to withdraw any ETH in this contract:

function withdrawEth() external onlyGov {
    uint256 amount = address(this).balance;
    if (amount == 0) {
        revert EmptyBalance();
    emit EthWithdrawn(msg.sender, amount);

If the governance address is a smart contract, the transfer call could revert if

  1. The smart contract fails to implement a payable fallback function.

  2. The fallback function uses more than 2,300 gas units.


ETH might be stuck in the contract if the transfer fails.


We recommend using low-level call.value(amount) with the corresponding result check.


This issue has been acknowledged by Ostium Labs, and a fix was implemented in commit f6257142.

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