Assessment reports>Ostium>Discussion>Incorrect last updated block number for TP and SL

Last updated block number for tp and sl are incorrect when trade is registered

The function registerTrade calls storageT.storeTrade to store the final trade in the storage contract. This function also updates the TP and SL values, which means that these values are updated in the current block. The storeTrade function is called as follows:

        trade.collateral * uint256(1e12)
            * trade.leverage / 100 * PRECISION_18 / trade.openPrice,

As shown above, the value of tpLastUpdated and slLastUpdated are set to 0 in the TradeInfo struct, but these values should be set to the current block number. We suggest updating the function call to set the tpLastUpdated and slLastUpdated values as the current block number.

This issue has been acknowledged by Ostium Labs, and a fix was implemented in commit 9b977c93.

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