Function: _transfer(address _sender, address _recipient, uint256 _amount)
This is the internal function for transferring tokens.
Control: Controlled by calling function.
Constraints: Checked that
is not the zero address and that it has enough balance.Impact: The account that will send the tokens.
Control: Controlled by calling function.
Constraints: Checked that
is not the zero address.Impact: The account that will receive the tokens.
Control: Controlled by calling function.
Constraints: Checked that
has enough balance.Impact: The amount of tokens to be transferred.
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
Checks that the
has enough balance.Checks that the
is not the zero address.Checks that the
is not the zero address.Checks that the
is greater than zero.Decreases the
for the_sender
.Increases the
for the_recipient
.Checks that
and calls_validateHandler
Negative behavior
Should not allow transferring more tokens than the
has.Should not allow transferring to the zero address.