Function: _combineTrackerDistributor(string _name, string _symbol, address _rewardToken, address[] _depositTokens, uint16 _refId, bool _isFeeTracker, bool _isBonusDistributor)
Sets up a tracker/distributor combo.
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Name of the tracker.
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Symbol of the tracker.
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The reward token of the tracker/distributor.
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The deposit token.
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The ID.
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Is it the fee tracker (different numbers).
Control: Full.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Is it the bonus tracker (different numbers).
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
Sets the requisite handlers for the deployed contracts.
Negative behavior
Calls the right deployers for the different types of trackers.