Assessment reports>Staking>Informational findings>Check validity of parameters
Category: Business Logic

Check validity of parameters

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
Low Likelihood


Parameters such as the _gsPool in StakingRouter's functions could be checked for validity. For example,

function withdrawEsGsForPool(address _gsPool) external nonReentrant {

lacks a check that the _gsPool is a valid address in the poolTrackers mapping.


Failure to properly check the validity of parameters could lead to unexpected behavior, which in this case would have resulted in a failed external call. It is a good security practice to ensure the validity of parameters before using them, especially when these refer to arbitrary addresses.


In the function above, the _gsPool parameter could be checked that it exists within the poolTrackers mapping. This would prevent the function from being called with an invalid _gsPool address.

function withdrawEsGsForPool(address _gsPool) external nonReentrant {
+   require(poolTrackers[_gsPool].vester != address(0), "StakingRouter: Pool not found");


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