Function: executeLiquidation(EventTypes.Liquidation liquidation, uint64 eventId)
Function that facilitates the execution of a liquidation action.
struct Liquidation {
bytes32 liquidatedAccountId; - ID of the account whose position will be liquidated.
bytes32 insuranceAccountId; - The account that will get insurance funds from `accountId`.
bytes32 liquidatedAssetHash; - The hash of the token will be liquidated.
uint128 insuranceTransferAmount; - It will be transferred from the `liquidatedAccountId` balance to the `insuranceAccountId`.
uint64 timestamp; - It is not used.
LiquidationTransfer[] liquidationTransfers;
struct LiquidationTransfer {
bytes32 liquidatorAccountId;
bytes32 symbolHash;
int128 positionQtyTransfer;
int128 costPositionTransfer;
int128 liquidatorFee;
int128 insuranceFee;
int128 liquidationFee;
uint128 markPrice;
int128 sumUnitaryFundings;
uint64 liquidationTransferId;
Function call analysis
External/Internal? Internal.
Argument control? All arguments are controlled by operator.
Impact: Decrease the
balance byinsuranceTransferAmount
and increase the balance ofinsuranceAccountId
External/Internal? Internal.
Argument control? All arguments are controlled by operator.
Impact: Decrease the
balance byinsuranceTransferAmount
and increase the balance ofinsuranceAccountId