Assessment reports>Orderly Network>Threat Model>changeFeeCollector

Function: changeFeeCollector(FeeCollectorType feeCollectorType, byte[32] _newCollector)

Allows owner of the contract to change the ID of withdrawFeeCollector and futuresFeeCollector. These IDs are used for determine which account should receive the fee for appropriate type action.


  • feeCollectorType

    • Control: onlyOwner of contract can call this function.

    • Constraints: No.

    • Impact: The type of ID.

  • _newCollector

    • Control: onlyOwner of contract can call this function.

    • Constraints: No.

    • Impact: New ID. ID is used for determining which account should receive the fee for appropriate type action.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • New ID was set successfully.

Negative behavior

  • Zero ID.

  • The same ID already set.

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