Assessment reports>Nukem Loans>Threat Model>_setRoleNFT

Function: _setRoleNFT(uint256 id, bytes32 _role)

This sets a role to a specific ERC-721 token ID.


  • id

    • Control: Controlled by calling function.

    • Constraints: Checked that it is not zero.

    • Impact: The ID of the ERC-721 token whose role is being set.

  • _role

    • Control: Controlled by calling function.

    • Constraints: Checked that it is not zero.

    • Impact: The role being set to the ERC-721 token ID.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • Assumes that if the accessControl is changed, this function will be called to set the new accessControl's role.

  • Should allow changing/removing the role of an ERC-721 token ID.

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