Assessment reports>Initia>Threat Model>Module table.move

Module table.move

Function: new

This function can be used to create a new table. Note that this is the only function that allows to create a table object. Therefore, other generic functions in this module do not normally require to constrain the type of the table key/values, as table objects are guaranteed to have been created using types that have, respectively, copy + drop and store.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: No additional validation required besides ability constraints.

    • Impact: Type of the keys used to address elements of the table.

  • Type V<store>

    • Validation: No additional validation required besides ability constraints.

    • Impact: Type of the values stored in the table.

Function: destroy_empty

This function can be used to destroy an empty table.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: Table<K, V>

    • Validation: The table is checked to be empty.

    • Impact: Table to be deleted.

Function: add

This function can be used to add an element to a table. The function reverts if an element is already associated to the given key.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to which an element is to be added.

  • key: K

    • Validation: Table must not contain an entry at the same key.

    • Impact: Key at which the new element is associated.

  • val: V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Element to add to the table.

Functions: borrow, borrow_mut

These functions can be used to get a reference (immutable or mutable) to an element of the table. The function reverts if there is no element associated with the given key.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to borrow from.

  • key: K

    • Validation: An element associated with this key must exist.

    • Impact: Key identifying which element to borrow.

Functions: borrow_with_default, borrow_mut_with_default

These functions can be used to get a reference (immutable or mutable) to an element of the given table. Unlike their borrow/borrow_mut counterpart, they allow to specify a default value to be used if the table does not contain an element associated with the given key.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to borrow from.

  • key: K

    • Validation: An element associated with this key must exist.

    • Impact: Key identifying which element to borrow.

  • default: &V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Default value used if no element is associated with the given key.

Function: length

This function can be used to get the length of a table.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to operate on.

Function: empty

This function can be used to determine whether a table is empty or not.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to operate on.

Function: upsert

This function can be used to perform an upsert operation on a table, inserting an element into the table and discarding the existing value associated with the given key if such a value already exists.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V<drop>

    • Validation: Importantly, this function ensures that the value has drop, preventing an element without the ability from being silently discarded.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to operate on.

  • key: K

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Key that identifies the table position where the value is inserted (and the old value removed when applicable).

  • value: V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Value to be inserted into the table.

Function: remove

This function can be used to remove an element from a table.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to operate on.

  • key: K

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Identifies the element to be removed.

Function: contains

This function can be used to check whether a table contains an element associated with a given key.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to operate on.

  • key: K

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Key value to test.

Functions: iter, iter_mut

These functions can be used to create an object that allows to iterate on the keys and values contained in the table, in a mutable and immutable fashion. Note that these functions were involved in Finding ref, which allowed to bypass critical security invariants, including the reference safety verifier. They were changed to remediate the vulnerability.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table: &Table<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table to operate on.

  • start: Option<K>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Start point for the iterator. The start is exclusive.

  • end: Option<K>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: End point for the iterator. The end point is inclusive.

  • order: u8

    • Validation: Must be either 1 or 2.

    • Impact: Determines whether the iteration has to occur in ascending or descending order.

Functions: prepare, prepare_mut

This function must be used to prepare an iterator before obtaining the next element. It returns a boolean that tells if the iterator can yield another element.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table_iter: &TableIter<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Iterator to prepare.

Functions: next, next_mut

This function can be used to obtain the next element from an iterator. It returns the key and a reference (mutable or immutable) to the table value.


  • Type K<copy + drop>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table keys.

  • Type V

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Type of the table values.

  • table_iter: &TableIter<K, V>/&mut TableIter<K, V>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Table iterator to act on.

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