Module table.move
Function: new
This function can be used to create a new table. Note that this is the only function that allows to create a table object. Therefore, other generic functions in this module do not normally require to constrain the type of the table key/values, as table objects are guaranteed to have been created using types that have, respectively, copy + drop
and store
K<copy + drop>
Validation: No additional validation required besides ability constraints.
Impact: Type of the keys used to address elements of the table.
Validation: No additional validation required besides ability constraints.
Impact: Type of the values stored in the table.
Function: destroy_empty
This function can be used to destroy an empty table.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: Table<K, V>
Validation: The table is checked to be empty.
Impact: Table to be deleted.
Function: add
This function can be used to add an element to a table. The function reverts if an element is already associated to the given key.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to which an element is to be added.
key: K
Validation: Table must not contain an entry at the same key.
Impact: Key at which the new element is associated.
val: V
Validation: None required.
Impact: Element to add to the table.
Functions: borrow
, borrow_mut
These functions can be used to get a reference (immutable or mutable) to an element of the table. The function reverts if there is no element associated with the given key.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to borrow from.
key: K
Validation: An element associated with this key must exist.
Impact: Key identifying which element to borrow.
Functions: borrow_with_default
, borrow_mut_with_default
These functions can be used to get a reference (immutable or mutable) to an element of the given table. Unlike their borrow
counterpart, they allow to specify a default value to be used if the table does not contain an element associated with the given key.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to borrow from.
key: K
Validation: An element associated with this key must exist.
Impact: Key identifying which element to borrow.
default: &V
Validation: None required.
Impact: Default value used if no element is associated with the given
Function: length
This function can be used to get the length of a table.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to operate on.
Function: empty
This function can be used to determine whether a table is empty or not.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to operate on.
Function: upsert
This function can be used to perform an upsert operation on a table, inserting an element into the table and discarding the existing value associated with the given key if such a value already exists.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: Importantly, this function ensures that the value has
, preventing an element without the ability from being silently discarded.Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to operate on.
key: K
Validation: None required.
Impact: Key that identifies the table position where the value is inserted (and the old value removed when applicable).
value: V
Validation: None required.
Impact: Value to be inserted into the table.
Function: remove
This function can be used to remove an element from a table.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to operate on.
key: K
Validation: None required.
Impact: Identifies the element to be removed.
Function: contains
This function can be used to check whether a table contains an element associated with a given key.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to operate on.
key: K
Validation: None required.
Impact: Key value to test.
Functions: iter
, iter_mut
These functions can be used to create an object that allows to iterate on the keys and values contained in the table, in a mutable and immutable fashion. Note that these functions were involved in Finding ref↗, which allowed to bypass critical security invariants, including the reference safety verifier. They were changed to remediate the vulnerability.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table: &Table<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table to operate on.
start: Option<K>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Start point for the iterator. The start is exclusive.
end: Option<K>
Validation: None required.
Impact: End point for the iterator. The end point is inclusive.
order: u8
Validation: Must be either 1 or 2.
Impact: Determines whether the iteration has to occur in ascending or descending order.
Functions: prepare
, prepare_mut
This function must be used to prepare an iterator before obtaining the next element. It returns a boolean that tells if the iterator can yield another element.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table_iter: &TableIter<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Iterator to prepare.
Functions: next
, next_mut
This function can be used to obtain the next element from an iterator. It returns the key and a reference (mutable or immutable) to the table value.
K<copy + drop>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table keys.
Validation: None required.
Impact: Type of the table values.
table_iter: &TableIter<K, V>
/&mut TableIter<K, V>
Validation: None required.
Impact: Table iterator to act on.