Assessment reports>Initia>Threat Model>Module code.move

Module code.move

This module exposes functions that allow to publish and upgrade other modules.

Function: set_allowed_publishers

This function can only be called by the special @initia_std address. It can be used to set the allowlist of addresses that are allowed to publish new modules.


  • chain: &signer

    • Validation: Must be @initia_std.

    • Impact: Used to verify the call is authorized.

  • allowed_publishers: vector<address>

    • Validation: If empty, publishing is not restricted; otherwise, the list must contain @initia_std.

    • Impact: List of allowed publishers.

Function: publish

This function can be used by an allowed publisher to publish or upgrade a module.


  • owner: &signer

    • Validation: Must be an authorized publisher and the owner of the module.

    • Impact: Used to authorize the operation.

  • module_ids: vector<String>

    • Validation: Must match the IDs of the modules provided in the code argument.

    • Impact: Used to efficiently check the modules upgrade policy.

  • code: vector<vector<u8>>

    • Validation: Must be a valid module, and the IDs much match with module_ids.

    • Impact: The code of the modules to be published or upgraded.

  • upgrade_policy: u8

    • Validation: Must be greater than zero. Could be further restricted to be at most two (not and exploitable issue). Must be compatible with the existing upgrade policy if upgrading a package.

    • Impact: New upgrade policy for the published packages.

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