Assessment reports>Initia>Threat Model>Module managed_coin.move

Module managed_coin.move

This module is a more convenient wrapper for the more general coins module. It allows to more easily define fungible tokens without explicitly managing capabilities.

Function: initialize

This function can be used to create a new fungible token.


  • account: &signer

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: Creator of the asset — will have the ability to mint and burn.

  • maximum_supply: Option<u128>

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: If provided, sets a maximum supply cap.

  • name: String

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: Name of the new asset.

  • symbol: String

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: Symbol of the new asset.

  • decimals: u8

    • Validation: Must be at most 32 (indirectly).

    • Impact: Number of decimal positions for the asset.

  • icon_uri: String

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: URI for the icon of the created asset.

  • project_uri: String

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: URI for the created asset.

Function: burn

This function can be used by the creator of a fungible asset to burn a quantity of the asset. The asset is withdrawn from the store associated with the creator address, meaning the creator cannot burn assets owned by a third party.


  • account: &signer

    • Validation: Must be the owner of the fungible-asset metadata.

    • Impact: Authorizes the operation.

  • metadata: Object<Metadata>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Identifies the asset to be burned.

  • amount: u64

    • Validation: None explicitly required (account must own a sufficient amount of assets).

    • Impact: Amount of assets to burn.

Function: mint

This function can be used by the creator of a fungible asset to mint a quantity of the asset.


  • account: &signer

    • Validation: Must be the owner of the fungible-asset metadata.

    • Impact: Authorizes the operation.

  • dst_addr: address

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: Owner of the newly minted assets.

  • metadata: Object<Metadata>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Identifies the asset to be minted.

  • amount: u64

    • Validation: Must not cause minting of more than the maximum supply.

    • Impact: Amount of assets to mint.

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