Assessment reports>Initia>Threat Model>Module dex.move

Module dex.move

This module implements a DEX between an arbitrary token pair, using the Balancer price curve specialized for pools containing two assets. The module also maintains a centralized registry for all pools, enabling easier discovery of trading pools.

The module implements several convenience functions that simplify its usage. Some functions, identified by the _script suffix, are intended as convenience functions that implement some common usage patterns, particularly useful to simplify scripts. These and other trivial functions are not explicitly included in this threat model description as they do not perform any security checks that affect the underlying DEX operation. This does not mean that the helper functions do not perform any security check at all; for instance, swap_script includes a check on the output amount, which needs to be performed manually when using the lower-level swap function. However, this check can indeed be implemented by the caller of swap and is not fundamentally required for the correct operation of the DEX. We note that not all convenience functions are suffixed with _script (as is the case for provide_liquidity_from_coin_store).

Function: get_spot_price

This function can be used to compute the spot price for a given pair, in either trade direction. Note that (by design) the spot price is not the effective price of a trade, as it only represents the correct price for an infinitesimally small trade.


  • pair: Object<Config>

    • Validation: Must refer to an existing pool.

    • Impact: Identifies the pool.

  • base_coin: Object<Metadata>

    • Validation: Must refer to one of the two assets contained in the pool.

    • Impact: Determines the base asset for the spot price.

Function: update_swap_fee_rate

This function can only be invoked by the special @initia_std address. It can be used to set the swap fee rate for a given trading pair. Note that this is the only function that allows to change the swap fee rate for a pool. The initial swap fee rate is set by the creator of the pair at the time of its creation.


  • chain: &signer

    • Validation: Must be @initia_std.

    • Impact: Used to authorize the operation.

  • pair: Object<Config>

    • Validation: No validation required.

    • Impact: Identifies the pool to modify.

  • swap_fee_rate: Decimal128

    • Validation: Must be at most MAX_FEE_RATE (5%).

    • Impact: New swap fee rate to set.

Function: withdraw_liquidity

This function can be used to redeem pool tokens for the corresponding amount of the pool assets. The function can only be invoked on pools that are not in a bootstrapping phase.


  • lp_token: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must (implicitly) correspond to the address of a pool.

    • Impact: Input LP tokens to redeem.

  • min_coin_a_amount: Option<u64>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: If specified, the amount of A asset returned by redeeming the LP tokens must be greater than this amount.

  • min_coin_b_amount: Option<u64>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: If specified, the amount of B asset returned by redeeming the LP tokens must be greater than this amount.

Function: single_asset_provide_liquidity

This function can be used to add liquidity to the pool by supplying only one of the two pool assets. This is effectively implemented as a balanced swap of some of the single-sided liquidity for a corresponding amount of the other asset, followed by a normal balanced liquidity injection. Note that the swap does incur fees, which prevents using this function as a workaround to not be charged for swapping assets.

The function can only be called on pools that are not in the liquidity bootstrapping period.


  • pair: Object<Config>

    • Validation: None explicitly required.

    • Impact: Identifies the pool to which liquidity is to be added.

  • provide_coin: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must be one of the two pool assets.

    • Impact: Fungible asset to add to the pool liquidity.

  • min_liquidity_amount: Option<u64>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: If provided, the amount of pool LP tokens returned is required to be greater than this.

Function: swap

This function can be used to perform a swap. This is the lowest-level publicly accessible function, used by several other convenience functions.

The function can only be called on pools that are not in the liquidity bootstrapping period.


  • pair: Object<Config>

    • Validation: None explicitly required.

    • Impact: Identifies the pool where the swap occurs.

  • offer_coin: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must be one of the two pool assets.

    • Impact: Input asset for the swap.

Function: create_pair

This function can be used to create a new pool.


  • creator: &signer

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Creator of the pool.

  • name: String

    • Validation: None (could be unrelated to the pool assets and thus misleading).

    • Impact: Name of the pool.

  • symbol: String

    • Validation: None (could be unrelated to the pool assets and thus misleading).

    • Impact: Symbol for the pool.

  • swap_fee_rate: Decimal128

    • Validation: Must be less than 5%.

    • Impact: Swap fee rate.

  • coin_a: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must be different from coin_b.

    • Impact: First asset of the pool pair.

  • coin_b: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must be different from coin_a.

    • Impact: Second asset of the pool pair.

  • weights: Weights

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: Weights for the pool assets.

Function: provide_liquidity

This function can be used to provide liquidity to the pool. The function is intended to provide balanced liquidity, and any imbalanced amount will be effectively donated to the pool.


  • pair: Object<Config>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: Determines the pool where liquidity is to be added.

  • coin_a: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must be the first asset in the pool pair (only implicitly checked).

    • Impact: First asset to add to the pool liquidity.

  • coin_b: FungibleAsset

    • Validation: Must be the second asset in the pool pair (only implicitly checked).

    • Impact: Second asset to add to the pool liquidity.

  • min_liquidity_amount: Option<u64>

    • Validation: None required.

    • Impact: If provided, the program asserts the liquidity returned is at least this amount.

Function: swap_simulation

This function can be used to simulate a swap, given an input amount, reserve amounts, and pool parameters (asset weights and swap fee rate). Note that while this function is read only on its own, it is also used by the actual swap function to compute the result of a swap (output amount received and fees paid).


  • pool_amount_in: u64

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Amount of the input-asset pool reserves.

  • pool_amount_out: u64

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Amount of the output-asset pool reserves.

  • weight_in: Decimal128

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Weight of the input asset.

  • weight_out: Decimal128

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Weight of the output asset.

  • amount_in: u64

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Amount of input asset provided for the swap.

  • swap_fee_rate: Decimal128

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Swap fee rate.

Function: swap_simulation_given_out

This function can be used to simulate a swap. Unlike swap_simulation, this function receives the desired output amount and computes the required input amount and the fees to be paid.


  • pool_amount_in: u64

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Amount of the input-asset pool reserves.

  • pool_amount_out: u64

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Amount of the output-asset pool reserves.

  • weight_in: Decimal128

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Weight of the input asset.

  • weight_out: Decimal128

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Weight of the output asset.

  • amount_in: u64

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Desired amount of output asset.

  • swap_fee_rate: Decimal128

    • Validation: N/A.

    • Impact: Swap fee rate.

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