Assessment reports>Voyage>High findings>Missing access control on ,postRelayedCall, leading to ETH transfer from Vault
Category: Business Logic

Missing access control on postRelayedCall leading to ETH transfer from Vault

High Severity
Medium Impact
High Likelihood


The VoyagePaymaster::postRelayedCall function is lacking any access control check. The function invokes refundGas on a vault supplied by the caller to refund a caller controlled amount of ETH to the treasury address.

function postRelayedCall(
    bytes calldata context,
    bool success,
    uint256 gasUseWithoutPost,
    GsnTypes.RelayData calldata relayData
) external virtual override {
    address vault = abi.decode(context, (address));
    // calldata overhead = 21k + non_zero_bytes * 16 + zero_bytes * 4
    //            ~= 21k + calldata.length * [1/3 * 16 + 2/3 * 4]
    uint256 minimumFees = (gasUseWithoutPost +
        21000 + *
        8 +
        REFUND_GAS_OVERHEAD) * relayData.gasPrice;
    uint256 refund = vault.balance >= minimumFees
        ? minimumFees
        : minimumFees + 21000 * relayData.gasPrice; // cover cost of unwrapping WETH
    IVault(vault).refundGas(refund, treasury);


A malicious user can invoke postRelayedCall to transfer ETH from any vault to the treasury address.


Apply strict access control to the function.


Commit 791b7e63 was indicated as containing the remediation. The commit correctly fixes the issue by enforcing access control to postRelayedCall.

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