Assessment reports>Voyage>Medium findings>Incorrect calculation in ,refundGas
Category: Business Logic

Incorrect calculation in refundGas

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
High Likelihood


The Vault::refundGas function performs an incorrect calculation of the amountRefundable variable if the WETH amount to unwrap is greater than the available balance. The code is reported below for convenience:

function refundGas(uint256 _amount, address _dst) external onlyPaymaster {
    uint256 amountRefundable = _amount;
    uint256 ethBal = address(this).balance;
    // we need to unwrap some WETH in this case.
    if (ethBal < _amount) {
        IWETH9 weth9 = IWETH9(LibVaultStorage.ds().weth);
        uint256 balanceWETH9 = weth9.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 toUnwrap = _amount - ethBal;
        // this should not happen, but if it does, we should take what we can instead of reverting
        if (toUnwrap > balanceWETH9) {
            amountRefundable = amountRefundable - toUnwrap - balanceWETH9;
        } else {
    // [code continues...]

Consider the following numerical example:

  • _amount is 100

  • ethBal is 60

  • balanceWETH9 is 30

  • toUnwrap will be calculated as 100 - 60 = 40

  • amountRefundable will be calculated as 100 - 40 - 30 = 30, instead of the expected 90


The function will refund to the treasury less than the expected amount.


Fix the calculation by applying parentheses around toUnwrap - balanceWETH9 on the line calculating amountRefundable.


Voyage has followed the recommendation and corrected the calculation in commit 6e44df5f.

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