Assessment reports>Lido Fixed Income>Low findings>Inactive variable depositor locks protocol fees
Category: Business Logic

Inactive variable depositor locks protocol fees

Low Severity
Low Impact
Low Likelihood


The variable appliedProtocolFee is increased whenever protocol fees are charged, and the protocolFeeReceiver can withdraw them using various withdraw procedures throughout the vault life cycle.

However, if a variable-side depositor requests a withdraw during the vault's lifetime, the protocol fee is only applied when the request is finalized and they call finalizeVaultOngoingVariableWithdrawals:

function finalizeVaultOngoingVariableWithdrawals() external {
  // [...]

  uint256 protocolFee = applyProtocolFee(amountWithdrawn);

  // [...]

function applyProtocolFee(uint256 stakingEarnings) internal returns (uint256) {
  uint256 protocolFee = stakingEarnings.mulDiv(protocolFeeBps, 10000);
  appliedProtocolFee += protocolFee;
  return protocolFee;

This means that if a variable-side depositor disappears and never finalizes their withdrawal, the protocol fee is never claimable by the protocol-fee receiver even if the vault completely ends.


Protocol fees that should have been claimable can become lost if a variable-side depositor goes missing or loses their private key. For vaults with many depositors, it is likely that the vault must be monitored by the protocol-fee receiver for a long time to withdraw the protocol fee if a depositor ever comes back and claims their funds. Over time, this unboundedly builds up the number of contracts the protocol-fee receiver must watch for events.


Allow the protocol-fee receiver to finalize ongoing variable withdrawals on behalf of the withdrawer. Similar to fixedToPendingWithdrawalAmount, the value should be kept in ETH and the withdrawer should be able to withdraw their share later.


This issue has been acknowledged by Saffron, and fixes were implemented in the following commits:

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