Assessment reports>Lido Fixed Income>High findings>Quadratic-complexity logic risks gas-limit attacks
Category: Coding Mistakes

Quadratic-complexity logic risks gas-limit attacks

High Severity
High Impact
Medium Likelihood


In the LidoVault, the variable-length array fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers is used to store a list of fixed-side users that requested a withdrawal while the vault has not ended.

During the vault-finalization process, the internal function claimOngoingFixedWithdrawals() is called to finish all of the ongoing fixed-side deposits so that fees can be properly accounted for even if the fixed-side user never completes their withdrawal themselves.

This function loops through the fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers array:

function claimOngoingFixedWithdrawals() internal {
  uint256 arrayLength = fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers.length;
  for (uint i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    address fixedUser = fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers[i];
    fixedToPendingWithdrawalAmount[fixedUser] = claimFixedVaultOngoingWithdrawal(fixedUser);

The function that it calls inside the loop, claimFixedVaultOngoingWithdrawal, however, also loops through the array to set the user in question to zero:

function claimFixedVaultOngoingWithdrawal(address user) internal returns (uint256) {
  // [...]

  uint256 arrayLength = fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers.length;
  for (uint i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    if (fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers[i] == user) {
      delete fixedOngoingWithdrawalUsers[i];

  // [...]

This means the overall vault finalization process runs in time, if is the number of users. Note that the delete statement does not reduce the size of the array, it sets the array entry at index i to zero.


The only limit on the number of fixed-side depositors is the fixed-side capacity divided by the minimum deposit. If this implicit limit is too large, then it is possible that a vault with many fixed-side depositors cannot be finalized because it would take too much gas.


We recommend reworking the withdrawal logic to not require traversing a variable-length array.

Alternatively, adding an optional parameter to claimFixedVaultOngoingWithdrawal that provides a hint for the index of the user to be removed will make the overall logic linear-time in all cases — either the caller or the callee takes to find the index.

Alternatively, if the suggestion in Discussion ref is implemented, then an ongoing fixed withdrawal would be settled immediately in stETH (with optional use of the withdrawal queue happening in a different contract), and so this would not be an issue.


This issue has been acknowledged by Saffron, and a fix was implemented in commit a75cf521.

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