Assessment reports>Fractal Protocol>Informational findings>Multiple internal inconsistencies
Category: Business Logic

Multiple internal inconsistencies

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


In several areas of the project, internal inconsistencies were noted, such as lack of checks that were present in other areas, or non-standard practices in general.

The respective areas are affected:

  • FractalVaultV1: withdrawToLayerOne - No chainId Checks.

  • Mintable.sol: mint - Transfer event should mint from address 0.

  • DexLibrary.sol: convertRewardTokensToDepositTokens - lack of slippage checks mentioned.


These issues are minor, and do not pose a security hazard at present. More broadly however, this is a source of developer confusion and a general coding hazard. Internal inconsistencies may lead to future problems or bugs. Avoiding internal inconsistencies also makes it easier for developers to understand the code and helps any potential auditors more quickly and thoroughly assess it.


Consider changing the code to fix the inconsistencies.


The issue has been acknowledged by Fractal.

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