Assessment reports>Fractal Protocol>Informational findings>Lack of documentation
Category: Business Logic

Lack of documentation

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


Several files in the project are lacking documentation, the following being:

  • DateUtils.sol: diffDays

  • DateUtils.sol: _daysToDate

  • DateUtils.sol: _daysFromDate

  • DateUtils.sol: getYear

  • DateUtils.sol: timestamp

  • Migrations.sol: setCompleted


This is a source of developer confusion and a general coding hazard. Lack of documentation, or unclear documentation, is a major pathway to future bugs. It is best practice to document all code. Documentation also helps third-party developers integrate with the platform, and helps any potential auditors more quickly and thoroughly assess the code.


Add documentation to the affected functions.


The issue has been acknowledged by Fractal.

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