Assessment reports>Alkimiya>Critical findings>Redeem functions do not work correctly
Category: Coding Mistakes

Redeem functions do not work correctly

Critical Severity
Critical Impact
High Likelihood


In the redeem functions — for example, the redeemLong function — relativeBalance is calculated as the ratio of longSharesBalance to sState.sharesMinted. However, sharesMinted is always bigger than longSharesBalance when there are multiple users. So relativeBalance will be zero in this case. This will cause a division-by-zero error.

function redeemLong(PoolParams calldata longParams) public {
    bytes32 poolHash = hashPool(longParams);
    uint256 longTokenId = toLongTokenId(poolHash);
    uint256 longSharesBalance = balanceOf(msg.sender, longTokenId);

    PoolState storage sState = sPoolState[poolHash];

!   uint256 relativeBalance = uint256(longSharesBalance) / uint256(sState.sharesMinted);
!   uint256 relativeAmount = uint256(longParams.cap - longParams.floor) * relativeBalance;

!   uint256 payout =
!       uint256(sState.balanceChangePerShare - longParams.floor) * uint256(sState.collateralMinted) / relativeAmount;

    // ...


If there are multiple users in the pool, the redeem functions will not work correctly and will cause a division-by-zero error. This will prevent users from redeeming their shares.


We recommend adding a scaling factor to the relativeBalance calculation to prevent division-by-zero errors.


This issue has been acknowledged by Alkimiya, and fixes were implemented in the following commits:

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