Assessment reports>ZetaChain>Threat Model>Message: UpdateCrosschainFlags

Message: UpdateCrosschainFlags

The UpdateCrosschainFlags message is used to enable cross-chain related flags. These flags are

  1. IsInboundEnabled, which determines whether inbound transactions are enabled

  2. IsOutboundEnabled, which determines whether outbound transactions are enabled

  3. GasPriceIncreaseFlags, which determines how much to increase the gas price by for long-term pending transactions

  4. BlockHeaderVerificationFlags, which determines whether block-header transaction proofs are able to be verified for Ethereum and Bitcoin

A policy type 1 admin is able to modify the BlockHeaderVerificationFlags as well as disable inbound and outbound communication. Reenabling inbound or outbound communication and modifying the GasPriceIncreaseFlags require a policy type 2 admin account.

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