Assessment reports>ZetaChain>Threat Model>Message: MigrateTssFunds

Message: MigrateTssFunds

The MigrateTssFunds message handler is used to migrate TSS funds from the current TSS to the newest TSS in the store. New TSS details are added to the chain through the CreateTSSVoter message.

The code first ensures that that the caller is a policy type 2 admin account (i.e., a multi-sig). It then does the following checks:

  1. The chain must have inbound disabled.

  2. There can be no pending CCTXs for the chain where the TSS funds are being migrated.

It will then proceed to create and broadcast a CCTX to the specified chain that will migrate the TSS funds as required.

It is important to note that this function must be called after the vote in CreateTSSVoter passes but before UpdateTssAddress is executed. This is detailed as a finding here: Finding ref.

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