Assessment reports>Wasabi Perps>Low findings>Loss of precision
Category: Coding Mistakes

Loss of precision

Low Severity
Low Impact
Low Likelihood


The DebtController::computeMaxInterest function computes the maximum interest that a user should be charged given a position size, age, and principal. Currently, the principal address is ignored and only the position size and age are considered.

function computeMaxInterest(
    uint256 _principal,
    uint256 _lastFundingTimestamp
) public view returns(uint256 maxInterestToPay) {
    uint256 secondsSince = block.timestamp - _lastFundingTimestamp;
    maxInterestToPay = _principal * maxApy / APY_DENOMINATOR * secondsSince / (365 days);

The function divides an intermediate result by APY_DENOMINATOR before multiplying again by secondsSince.


Dividing before multiplying or adding is generally discouraged as it introduces unneeded roundings due to integer arithmetic. This could result in a slightly lower than intended maximum interest.


Consider changing the computation to divide after all multiplications are done.

-maxInterestToPay = _principal * maxApy / APY_DENOMINATOR * secondsSince / (365 days);
+maxInterestToPay = _principal * maxApy * secondsSince / (APY_DENOMINATOR * 365 days);


This issue has been acknowledged by Wasabi, and a fix was implemented in commit c6d230cd.

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