Assessment reports>Wasabi Perps>Low findings>Missing length check
Category: Coding Mistakes

Missing length check

Low Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


The BaseWasabiPool::liquidatePositions function is checking that the length of the _positions argument equals the length of the _interests argument, but it is not checking the length of _swapFunctions.

function liquidatePositions(
    bool _unwrapWETH,
    uint256[] calldata _interests,
    Position[] calldata _positions,
    FunctionCallData[][] calldata _swapFunctions
) external payable onlyOwner {
    uint256 length = _positions.length;
    if (length != _interests.length) revert InterestAmountNeeded();
    for (uint i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        liquidatePosition(_unwrapWETH, _interests[i], _positions[i], _swapFunctions[i]);


There is no security impact, and as such this finding is reported as informational. A mismatching length would just cause a revert. Since this is a function reserved to protocol owners, it has no impact on the user experience. We report this with the purpose of improving the quality and consistency of the codebase.


Consider adding a check on the length of the _swapFunctions argument.


This issue has been acknowledged by Wasabi, and a fix was implemented in commit 1aee88f1.

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