Assessment reports>warpdotgreen-cli>Threat Model>sendMessage

Function: sendMessage(byte[3] _destination_chain, byte[32] _destination, byte[32][] _contents)

This function is used to send a cross-chain message to another blockchain. It charges a toll and emits a MessageSent event. This event will be monitored by the bridge system, which will relay the message to the destination chain.


  • _destination_chain

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: Valid supportedChains mapping.

    • Impact: Chain ID of the destination chain.

  • _destination

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Target address of the destination chain.

  • _contents

    • Control: Arbitrary.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Content of the message being sent, including token address, amount, and recipient address.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • Check message toll is paid.

  • Check destination chain is supported.

  • Increment the nonce.

  • Send the toll to the miner.

  • Emit a MessageSent event.

Negative behavior

  • Revert if message toll is not paid.

  • Revert if destination chain is not supported.

Function call analysis


    • What happens if it reverts, reenters or does other unusual control flow? If miner is the contact address, the reentrance risk exists, which can result in a nonsequential ethNonce occurrence of MessageSent.

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