Function: bridgeBack(byte[32] _receiver, uint256 _mojoAmount)
This function is used to burn wrapped CAT ERC-20 tokens and send a message to unlock the original CAT on the Chia network.
Control: Arbitrary.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Receiver puzzle hash for tokens.
Control: Arbitrary.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Amount of CAT tokens (in Mojos) to unlock on Chia.
Branches and code coverage
Intended branches
Set minimum transfer tip.
Burn CAT ERC-20 tokens correctly.
to the portal to unlock CAT tokens.
Negative behavior
Revert if msg.value is not equal to the value of the message toll.
Revert if Mojo amount is less than the transfer tip, which is 1 Mojo at least.
Revert if tip is equal to the amount, causing the bridged amount to be zero.