Assessment reports>StakeKit FeeWrapper>Medium findings>The ,transferFrom, function could fail
Category: Business Logic

The transferFrom function could fail

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood


The FeeWrapper4626 vault currently uses the transferFrom function to transfer ERC-20 tokens. However, some nonstandard ERC-20 tokens, such as USDT, do not return a success status from their transferFrom function. This deviation from the standard EIP-20 implementation can lead to unexpected behavior in the protocol.


Incompatibility with some nonstandard tokens.


We recommend using OpenZeppelin’s SafeERC20 versions with the safeTransfer and safeTransferFrom functions that handle the return-value check, as well as non--standard-compliant tokens.


This issue has been acknowledged by StakeKit. The issue was fixed with commit . They now handle nonstandard ERC20 tokens using OpenZeppelin’s SafeERC20 Library.

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