Category: Business Logic
Rounding errors in computing fee
Medium Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood
Due to Solidity's lack of native support for floating-point arithmetic, the results of computing fees may be inconsistent.
function computeFee(uint256 amount, FeeConfig memory feeConfig) public pure returns (uint256) {
uint16 fee = feeConfig.fee;
uint256 feeAmount = (amount * fee) / 10_000;
return feeAmount;
For instance, when amount
<= 9999 and fee
is 1, the feeAmount
would be 0.
uint256 amount = 9999;
uint16 fee = 1;
uint256 feeAmount = (amount*fee) / 10_000; // would be 0
Inconsistency in fee calculations can lead to incorrect calculation.
Add a minimum deposit limit, or consider having fees accumulate in the contract and having a payout
This issue has been acknowledged by StakeKit. The issue was fixed with commit . They revert if the feeAmount
is less than 1 wei to enforce a minimum deposit.