Assessment reports>Singularity>Discussion>Removed Uniswap positions are kept

Removed Uniswap positions are kept in the ERC-721 pool

When a Uniswap liquidity position is removed by the user, the Uniswap NonfungiblePositionManager NFT for that (now empty) position is not burned but transferred back to the ERC-721 asset pool, as can be seen in the UniswapLiquidityAssetManager contract's uniswapRemoveLiquidity function:

function uniswapRemoveLiquidity(
    UniswapRemoveLiquidityArgs memory args,
    bytes calldata proof
    returns (
        TransferFundsToVaultWithFeesAndCreateNoteData memory dataToken1,
        TransferFundsToVaultWithFeesAndCreateNoteData memory dataToken2

    // ...

        _prepareRemoveLiquidityParams(args, liquidity)

    (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = nonfungiblePositionManager.collect(


    // ...

As there will be no notes associated to this NFT — and as even if there were, there would be no way to add liquidity to an existing position — it is unnecessary to keep the NonfungiblePositionManager NFT around. It might thus be cleaner to burn it instead:

    _prepareRemoveLiquidityParams(args, liquidity)

(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = nonfungiblePositionManager.collect(

- _transferERC721PositixonToVault(args.positionNote.amount);
+ nonfungiblePositionManager.burn(args.positionNote.amount);

Singularity changed the contract to instead burn NFTs when a position is removed. The changes were implemented in

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