Assessment reports>Silo Staking>Threat Model>Message: ExecuteMsg::UpdateConfig

Message: ExecuteMsg::UpdateConfig

This message can only be invoked by the admin and allows updating the contract configuration.

All the controlled parameters are optional and update the current config if set.

protocol_fee_contract — This represents the address of the contract responsible for collecting protocol fees.

protocol_reward_fee — This is fee that is applied when staking rewards are reinvested. This needs to be lower than the reward fee cap.

operator — Updates the current operator for the contract. The operator can perform certain privileged operations.

stages_preset — Represents preset swap configs for multiple tokens.

withdrawals_preset — Represents preset config for LP withdrawals in the harvest message.

allow_donations — Allows/disallows donations through ExecuteMsg::Donate.

delegation_strategy — This represents the delegation strategy, defining distribution between validators.

vote_operator — Sets an operator for the voting operations.

chain_config — Sets config for the contract.

default_max_spread — The default max spread for single-stage swaps.

epoch_period — This represents how often the unbonding queue is executed.

unbond_period — The staking module's unbonding time in seconds.

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