Assessment reports>Silo Staking>Threat Model>Message: ExecuteMsg::Rebalance

Message: ExecuteMsg::Rebalance

The message could only be used by the address with owner privileges and is used to rebalance the delegations based on the delegation_goal.

The parameter that a user can control is min_redelegation — the minimum value that the delegations should contain after rebalancing.

The message executes the rebalance function. It calls the compute_redelegations_for_rebalancing function, which computes the redelegation moves that will make each validator's delegation the targeted amount as per the delegation_goal. The new_redelegations returned from the compute_redelegations_for_rebalancing call are filtered such that any redelegation amount less than min_redelegation are skipped. Next, the function executes the redelegation message.

The rebalance function also stores the current snapshot of the balance, which is passed to the CallbackMsg::CheckReceivedCoin message, and the newly received coins are added to the unlocked_coins during the callback.

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