Assessment reports>Perennial>High findings>High-volatility ticks can cause bank run due to negative liquidations
Category: Business Logic

High-volatility ticks can cause bank run due to negative liquidations

High Severity
High Impact
Low Likelihood


The liquidation mechanism in Market.sol calculates the maintenance (minimum collateral) and liquidation fee for a given position as follows:

function liquidationFee(
    Position memory self,
    OracleVersion memory latestVersion,
    RiskParameter memory riskParameter
) internal pure returns (UFixed6) {
    return maintenance(self, latestVersion, riskParameter)
function maintenance(
    Position memory self,
    OracleVersion memory latestVersion,
    RiskParameter memory riskParameter
) internal pure returns (UFixed6) {
    if (magnitude(self).isZero()) return UFixed6Lib.ZERO;
    return magnitude(self)

Since the liquidation fee is not constrained to be less than the collateral, a high-volatility tick can cause the liquidation fee to exceed the deposited collateral. When this happens, the liquidation itself will cause the position to end with negative collateral. So, if a user opens a position with collateral very close to maintenance, the position can then be self-liquidated for more than the deposited collateral following a volatile tick.


We created a proof of concept (POC) for this bug (section ). In this POC, we demonstrate a scenario where the first depositor can self-liquidate the position for more than their deposit, effectively stealing other users' funds and making the market insolvent.

An excerpt of the POC output is shown below:

User deposits collateral

Deposited collateral: 1000000000

Volatile click changes price to 1.5
Position liquidated

collateral after liquidation: -1001000000
token earned by liquidator: 1001000000

attack successful

It is to be noted that although an organic bank run scenario is possible, it does require a fairly volatile tick from the oracle under appropriate tuning parameters.

For example, for a power two oracle with riskParameter.liquidationFee = 0.5, we would need a 48% price change between two subsequent oracle ticks. With riskParameter.liquidationFee = 0.7, the required volatility is 18%. These values, while feasible, are still rare in practice.

There are two other possible exploitation scenarios.

  1. It may be used as a backdoor by a malicious oracle operator to drain the market relying on it.

  2. It may lead to a malicious user trying to intentionally exploit this as an infinite money glitch by opening a number of positions and self-liquidating them. However, such a user would need to anticipate an incoming volatile tick.


A permanent fix would require liquidations to be capped at the total deposited assets of a user. However, the current Perennial design does not track the total deposit for an account, so implementing that would require a considerable amount of rewrites. For now, this possibility should be minimized via appropriate parameter tuning on a per-market level.


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