Assessment reports>Orderly Network>Threat Model>depositWithFee

Function: depositWithFee(VaultTypes.VaultDeposit data)

This allows the vault to deposit to the ledger.


  • data

    • Control: Fully controlled by the vault.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: The deposit data to be sent to the ledger.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • Assure that msg.value covers for the necessary estimated gas fee. Currently it is not checked.

  • Assumes that the VaultDeposit struct is validated prior to calling this function.

  • Forwards the call to the crossChainRelay with the correct parameters.

Negative behavior

  • Should revert if the fee is not paid. Currently not enforced at this level.

  • No one other than the vault can call this function.

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