Function: marketUploadEncodeHashVerify(MarketTypes.UploadSumUnitaryFundings data, address signer)
This allows verification of a market upload with sum unitary fundings payload.
Control: Fully controlled by the calling function.
Constraints: Needs to be part of a valid signature.
Impact: The data struct that contains the signed message and its signature.
Control: Fully controlled by the calling function.
Constraints: Returns whether it matches the recovered signature's signer.
Impact: Presumably the signer of the message.
Branches and code coverage
Intended branches
Assure that signature is not replayable. Currently not enforced as no nonce is used.
Assure that the max timestamp of the signature is not in the past. Currently not enforced.
Return whether the signer matches the recovered's address.
Assure that signature is not malleable. Currently enforced as ECDSA is used.
Negative behavior
Should not exclude any of the data from the hash.