Function: unfrozenBalance(AccountTypes.Account account, uint64 withdrawNonce, byte[32] tokenHash, uint128 amount)
This allows the unfreezing of a given amount of a given token for a given account.
Control: Fully controllable by calling function.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The account whose balance is to be unfrozen.
Control: Fully controllable by calling function.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The nonce of the withdrawal.
Control: Fully controllable by calling function.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The token whose balance is to be unfrozen.
Control: Fully controllable by calling function.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The amount by which the balance is to be unfrozen.
Branches and code coverage
Intended branches
Account frozen balance for the given
should be decreased by the amount. Currently not performed, as it is reset to zero instead.Should be called somewhere. Currently, it is not called anywhere.
Account balance is increased by the amount.
Account total frozen balance is decreased by the amount.
Total frozen balance should be decreased by the amount.
Negative behavior
Should not allow unfreezing balance if there is no frozen balance for the given withdraw nonce. Currently, this is not checked at this level.
Should not allow unfreezing balance if the withdraw nonce is not greater than the last withdraw nonce. Currently, this is not checked at this level.