Assessment reports>Nocturne>Threat Model>Analysis of the util circuits

Analysis of the util circuits


  • Compute and constrain G = vk*H1 - H2.

  • Constrain that 8*G == 0.


  • Constrain that vk = Poseidon(spendPubKey, vkNonce).

  • Constrain that vkbits is the bit decomposition of vk.

  • constrain that vk is less than the Baby Jubjub scalar field order.


  • Compute Q = inv8*P where inv8 = (inv(8) mod l).

  • Constrain that 8*Q === P. This guarantees that ord(P) = ord(Q)/GCD(ord(Q), 8) so ord(P) is either l or 1.

  • Constrain that P is not the identity point.

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