Assessment reports>Nocturne>Threat Model>_processJoinSplitsReservingFee

Function: _processJoinSplitsReservingFee(Operation op, uint256 perJoinSplitVerifyGas)

This is called by handleOperation to unwrap assets for the operation (nullifying unwrapped assets), transferring assets minus the amount reserved for the gas to the Handler (this).


  • op

    • Control: Arbitrary --- proof must be valid. Tracked assets are whitelisted.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Operation to run.

  • perJoinSplitVerifyGas

    • Control: None.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Amount to reserve (withhold from the Handler) to pay for gas.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • Assets unwrap successfully.

Negative behavior

  • Tree root not past tree root.

  • Note to be unwrapped already used (nullifier set).

  • Not enough assets to cover gas.

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