Assessment reports>Nibiru>Threat Models>Message: ExecuteMsg.RemoveMargin

Message: ExecuteMsg.RemoveMargin

This message can be sent via a CosmosWasm contract and allows for a collateral to be removed from an existing position. The parameters that a user can control are

  • Sender — This is the account holding the position; there are no checks (see ).

  • Pair — This is the pair of the position to remove margin from. It is checked to ensure that it is valid and that there is an open position, a market, and an AMM for the pair.

  • Margin — This is the amount of collateral to remove from the position; there are no checks on the amount.

After the sdkMsg is created, there is no call to ValidateBasic (which automatically happens for regular Cosmos transactions), so a lot of vital checks (such as negative numbers) are missed. In this case, a negative margin can be specified when it ends up being added to the position margin without transferring any funds from the user; see the related finding at .

The flow is then the same as the regular AddMargin transaction; see .

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