Assessment reports>Nibiru>Threat Models>Module: bindings-perp

Module: bindings-perp

This CosmosWasm module is a simple wrapper to allow other contracts (or using nibid tx wasm execute) to execute messages against the Nibiru perp module. There are no checks on any of the messages; they are simply passed through and handled by the custom Wasm executor (see for more details).

The entry points are

  • ExecuteMsg::OpenPosition — with controllable parameters sender, pair, is_long, quote_amount, leverage, and base_amount_limit

  • ExecuteMsg::ClosePosition — with controllable parameters sender and pair

  • ExecuteMsg::AddMargin — with controllable parameters sender, pair, and margin

  • ExecuteMsg::RemoveMargin — with controllable parameters sender, pair, and margin

  • ExecuteMsg::MultiLiquidate — with controllable parameters pair and liquidations

  • ExecuteMsg::DonateToInsuranceFund — with controllable parameters sender and donation

  • ExecuteMsg::NoOp — with no parameters

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