Assessment reports>Initia>Low findings>Incorrect minimum-TVL module-parameter check
Category: Coding Mistakes

Incorrect minimum-TVL module-parameter check

Low Severity
Low Impact
Low Likelihood


The vip module has two parameters, the minimum_tvl and the maximum_tvl. These parameters can be updated with the chain signer. An invariant requires that minimum_tvl always be less than or equal to maximum_tvl.

The function to update the minimum_tvl is as follows.

public entry fun update_minimum_tvl(
    chain: &signer,
    minimum_tvl: u64,
) acquires ModuleStore {
    let module_store = borrow_global_mut<ModuleStore>(signer::address_of(chain));
    assert!(minimum_tvl >= 0,error::invalid_argument(EINVALID_MIN_TVL));
    module_store.minimum_tvl = minimum_tvl;

Note that the check for the minimum_tvl is incorrect and always passes. It should check that the minimum_tvl is less than the maximum_tvl.


It is possible to create a condition where the invariant is violated by calling this function. This issue is low impact since only an improperly formed call with chain permissions can trigger it.


Fix the check to correctly ensure the TVL limits are reasonable.


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