Assessment reports>Cega>Threat Models>Function: createVault(string _tokenName, string _tokenSymbol, uint256 _vaultStart)
Threat ModelsWhat are threat models?CegaState.sol
FCNProduct.solFunction: addOptionBarrier(address vaultAddress, OptionBarrier optionBarrier)Function: addToDepositQueue(uint256 amount, address receiver)Function: addToWithdrawalQueue(address vaultAddress, uint256 amountShares, address receiver)Function: calculateCurrentYield(address vaultAddress)Function: calculateVaultFinalPayoff(address vaultAddress)Function: checkBarriers(address vaultAddress)Function: createVault(string _tokenName, string _tokenSymbol, uint256 _vaultStart)Function: openVaultDeposits(address vaultAddress)Function: processDepositQueue(address vaultAddress, uint256 maxProcessCount)Function: processWithdrawalQueue(address vaultAddress, uint256 maxProcessCount)Function: receiveAssetsFromCegaState(address vaultAddress, uint256 amount)Function: removeOptionBarrier(address vaultAddress, uint256 index, string _asset)Function: removeVault(address vaultAddress)Function: rolloverVault(address vaultAddress)Function: setIsDepositQueueOpen(bool _isDepositQueueOpen)Function: setKnockInStatus(address vaultAddress, bool newState)Function: setManagementFeeBps(uint256 _managementFeeBps)Function: setMaxDepositAmountLimit(uint256 _maxDepositAmountLimit)Function: setTradeData(address vaultAddress, uint256 _tradeDate, uint256 _tradeExpiry, uint256 _aprBps, uint256 _tenorInDays)Function: setVaultMetadata(address vaultAddress, FCNVaultMetadata metadata)Function: setVaultStatus(address vaultAddress, VaultStatus _vaultStatus)Function: setYieldFeeBps(uint256 _yieldFeeBps)Function: updateOptionBarrierOracle(address vaultAddress, uint256 index, string _asset, string newOracleName)

Function: createVault(string _tokenName, string _tokenSymbol, uint256 _vaultStart)

Creates a new instance of an FCNVault and stores associated metadata for it inside the vaults[] mapping. The mapping is keyed by the new FCNVault contract's address.


  • _tokenName

    • Control: Fully controlled.

    • Constraints: N/A.

    • Impact: Passed to the constructor of the new FCNVault contract.

  • _tokenSymbol

    • Control: Fully controlled.

    • Constraints: N/A.

    • Impact: Passed to the constructor of the new FCNVault contract.

  • _vaultStart

    • Control: Fully controlled.

    • Constraints: Must not be equal to 0.

    • Impact: Creates a new FCNVault and sets the vault's start time to this value.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • Should add the newly created vault's address to the vaults[] mapping.

  • Should create a new FCNVault and track its address in storage.

  • Should emit the VaultCreated event.

Negative behaviour

  • Should revert if _vaultStart is set to 0.

  • Should revert if called by a non--trader-admin role.

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