Assessment reports>Awaken Swap>Threat Model>Module: AwakenSwapContract.cs

Module: AwakenSwapContract.cs

Function: Empty Initialize(InitializeInput input)

Initializes the contract. Can only be called by deployer.


  • input.AwakenTokenContractAddress

    • Validation: No validation.

    • Impact: Sets the address of the LP token contract, which should be a deployment of AwakenTokenContract.

  • input.Admin

    • Validation: Defaults to sender if null.

    • Impact: Sets the admin address.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

Negative behavior

Function call analysis

This function makes no external state-mutating calls.

Function: Address CreatePair(CreatePairInput input)

Creates a new swap pair. Can be called by anyone.


  • input.SymbolPair

    • Validation: Must be a single symbol pair. Symbols may not be the same, and the pair may not already exist.

    • Impact: Symbol pair to create a swap on.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

Negative behavior

Function call analysis

  • CreatePair -> LPTokenContract.Create

    • Argument control?

      • Symbol: Normalized token pair. Validity checked by contract.

      • Decimals: Constant 8.

      • TokenName: Formatted string.

      • Issuer: Constant Context.Self.

      • IsBurnable: Constant true.

      • TotalSupply: Constant long.MaxValue.

    • Impact: Creates the new token pair on the underlying AwakenTokenContract, setting the issuer to this swap contract.

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