Assessment reports>Awaken Swap>Threat Model>Module: AwakenSwapContract_Admin.cs

Module: AwakenSwapContract_Admin.cs

Function: Empty SetFeeRate(Int64Value input)

Sets the fee rate. Caller must be admin.


  • input

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: New fee rate.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

Negative behavior

Function call analysis

This function makes no external state-mutating calls.

Function: Empty SetFeeTo(Address input)

Sets the fee recipient. Caller must be admin.


  • input

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: New fee recipient.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

Negative behavior

Function call analysis

This function makes no external state-mutating calls.

Function: Empty ChangeOwner(Address input)

Transfers ownership to a new admin. Caller must be admin.


  • input

    • Validation: None.

    • Impact: New admin.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

Negative behavior

Function call analysis

This function makes no external state-mutating calls.

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